Camp Millionaire Financial Literacy Curriculum

Camp Millionaire® Financial Literacy Curriculum (Includes our online Teacher Training Program & The Money Game™)
Camp Millionaire® is a game and activity-based financial education curriculum for kids and teens.
Note: We use the same activities for adult programs because if you didn’t learn it as a kid, you still need to learn it as an adult!)
Your students learn how to make, manage, multiply, and donate their money wisely in this entertaining money simulation setting.
The Camp Millionaire® Financial Literacy Curriculum utilizes The Money Game®, our proprietary financial education game where the room is the board, the players are the pieces, and the lessons last a lifetime. The students are the pieces of the game: they work, they get paid, they pay for their expenses, they save their money to buy assets, and then they get passive income for those assets which eventually makes them financially free!
This online program includes:
Ask us about our annual subscription to get additional services:

OBS.: Your access to the program will be for life, once you access it at least one time per calendar year. Otherwise, you will be canceled from the system, and a new purchase will be necessary.